So Kevin wanted to do a couple more "mini-vestigations" today. Basically anything we can do that doesn't require overnight equipment and planning. So this morning we found ourselves at the supposedly haunted Pittock Mansion...

Kevin decided that there was evidence showing that this house was loved very much and possibly there are spirits here who just don't want to leave. He felt that they were likely to be very happy here.
Kevin of course first interviewed the staff members about if they had seen any ghosts. He points out certain areas to the staff that are more likely to be used by ghosts in the house.
A long walk through of the house turned up no significant evidence until...Kevin decided to break the rules and play the piano to stir the spirits. But this piano made no noise...
An no spirits were stirred, until we went downstairs. We then heard five or six notes played on that very piano! We rushed back up to the third floor and the piano sat, no one else around. Kevin again tried to play it, and it again made no sound...
Kevin decided that there was evidence showing that this house was loved very much and possibly there are spirits here who just don't want to leave. He felt that they were likely to be very happy here.
Kevin hopes to return during one of the "Behind the Scenes" tours of the Mansion you don't normally get to see.
Pretty spooky.